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Within the legal system of the United States lawyers act as advocates and advisors. As advocates they represent clients in civil and criminal trials, presenting evidence and arguing on their behalf. As advisors they counsel clients about their legal rights and obligations. Most lawyers concentrate on either civil or criminal law. Criminal lawyers represent people who have been charged with crimes. Civil lawyers help their clients with all aspects of business and personal life not covered by criminal law.
Criminal lawyers represent clients who are faced with any of dozens of different types of crimes, from aiding and abetting to homicide to theft. Federal laws, which apply in all states, govern many crimes. But other crimes are covered by state laws, which vary from state to state. That's why it's important for a person charged with a crime to find a criminal lawyer in the state in which the crime is being prosecuted. Someone in Miami or Fort Lauderdale, for example, should choose a Florida criminal attorney. In San Francisco or Los Angeles, a California criminal attorney will be in the best position to defend a person accused of a crime.
Criminal attorneys may specialize in particular types of crime. White collar crimes, for example, are financial crimes that people of high social, professional, or economic status commit in relation to their professions. A typical crime involves deception but not violence. White collar crimes such as bribery, embezzlement, insider trading, public corruption, identity theft, forgery, money laundering, and fraud overlap with the area of corporate crimes. Within the broad area of fraud there is corporate fraud, healthcare fraud, mortgage fraud, insurance fraud, bankruptcy fraud, and hedge fund fraud, and government fraud, to name a few. Recent crimes investigated by the F.B.I. include adoption scams, celebrity memorabilia fraud, staged auto accidents, options backdating, computer fraud, and environmental crimes.
Anyone who has been charged with this kind of crime should contact a criminal attorney as soon as possible. Whether or not they are convicted, people accused of white collar crimes often suffer from negative publicity and the resulting loss of reputation, social status, assets, and business. The consequences of conviction are even worse, of course. People convicted of these crimes may face jail time, large fines, forfeiture of assets, home detention, supervised release, and/or restitution to victims of the crime. Criminal attorneys who specialize in white collar crimes have the experience and knowledge to protect the rights of the accused. A criminal attorney can help the accused avoid or mitigate charges by gaining a dismissal or winning if the case goes to trial.
Rapid advances in computer technology make white collar crimes more feasible. In fact, white collar crimes are on the rise in the United States. In recent years arrests for violent crimes have decreased, but arrests for fraud and embezzlement have increased. The F.B.I. estimates white collar crimes cost the country more than $300 billion each year. As Americans become more concerned about white collar crimes, judges and juries are becoming less lenient in convicting and punishing them.
Thanks To : Purfume Backyard Bird
If you have been arrested for a drug trafficking charge, you are probably wondering what in the world you should do now. This isn't some small time controlled substance charge. This felony charge is serious, no matter which state you are in. Here are some tips on how to fight a drug trafficking charge.
Don't Talk to Anyone but Your Attorney
Before you talk to the police or any detectives, it is best to ask for your attorney. Most attorneys will advise you not to speak to anyone about your case. When you ask for an attorney, the police are required to stop asking you questions. However, the police are not the only ones that you have to worry about! If you remain in custody, you will also need to be careful what you say to those who are in a cell with you or even the jailers. Anything you say can be used against you - you've heard it before. Don't let a simple conversation with someone in a jail cell be your downfall.
Get a Great Criminal Defense Attorney
Do not just get the cheapest attorney you can find. You need an experienced, aggressive attorney who understands the best way to fight a drug trafficking charge. This may be through a "suppression of the evidence." This means that the evidence or at least part of it, can be thrown out because it was obtained illegally. Most of the drug trafficking cases that are dismissed are due to this reason.
For example, if you accepted a ride from someone who was transporting huge amounts of a controlled substance and cash under the driver's seat, could you be charged with drug trafficking. It happens more often than you might think, even if the passenger had no idea what was in the car. A great criminal defense attorney can work with circumstances such as these and get you the best possible outcome for your case.
A Little Bit of Luck
You know, it doesn't hurt to have a bit of luck on your side. You already had enough bad luck by getting arrested. It also doesn't hurt your case to make sure you are courteous and respectful to all parties involved. That means the arresting officers, the jailers, and the judges. "Copping" an attitude, so to speak, will only harm your case.
In Closing
When you are facing a drug trafficking charge, you may think that things couldn't get any worse. If you hire an inexperienced attorney, you will likely find out just how bad things can get!
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A criminal defense attorney blog is a great source of information for the layman. There is much about the legal world that is alien to the majority of the populace. Often, this can lead to an improper handling of defense cases in court.
No one wants to get arrested. Cultural and spiritual values brand those accused of committing criminal offenses as dangerous social deviants. Associations with such people are discouraged and even condemned. For fear of social incrimination, if not for inborn humanity, most rational beings would not even think of breaking the law.
But then there are those who are not even aware that they are breaking the law. Teenagers vandalizing a public school wall usually have no idea they are actually committing a federal offense, for example. A criminal defense attorney blog can enlighten everyone on the essential facts that people need to know about the constitution and their individual rights. It may also serve as a resource for informative news concerning the legal field.
If the criminal attorney who authors the blog provides insightful content, it is safe to say that he and his law firm can be depended on for legal assistance should the time arise. No one wants to get arrested, but it is good to have some insurance as protection from unfortunate circumstances. A reader who follows a defense law blog and actively engages with it is most likely to turn to the author for help should he find himself having a run in with the law.
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