Federal criminal attorney

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Alex Jones Show with Jesse Trentadue 12-3-08 Part 3

Alex talks with Jesse Trentadue. Identify new developments in the vicinity of fourteen looking for the real truth behind the 1995 bombing in Oklahoma City may, to the tireless work of attorney, Jesse Trentadue be imputed. Trentadue, a former Marine, began his personal mission in an attempt to discover the cause of the death of his brothers. Jesse's brother Kenny Trentadue was murdered, or rather, to prison under mysterious circumstances shockingly Suicided after mistaken for RichardGuthrie, a member of the Aryan Republican Army and Midwest Bank Robbers, whose exact role in the bombing in Oklahoma City is still completely unknown. Kenny Trentadue was another forgotten victim of the OKBOMB as calling the FBI liked to. Jesse Trentadue, has since the laws, regulations and information vanguard for other victims of the bombings, such as Jannie Coverdale, who can lose her two young grandsons in the blast, and has fought for himself, the FBI, DOJ and almost every other federal agency, youthinking to find the truth. Trentadue has been instrumental in public act done with unpublished documents through the Freedom of Information erosion, and other controversial methods.


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